Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thomas Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Essay

Thomas Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions - Essay Example irst stage, â€Å"pre-paradigm science,† details that individuals seeking to comprehend an observed phenomenon do not share universal stock of background theory. In this stage, individuals start from ground zero and endeavor to construct a science from scratch. The lack of a paradigm to organize the data makes all facts to appear as uniformly relevant (Kuhn, 1996). At this stage, individuals lack a tradition that can be passed from one individual to the other for subsequent development and investigation. At some point, some of the inquirers establish an account of the registered phenomenon that bears adequate substance and explanatory power to draw the attention of a host of community of individuals, who will then propel the inquiry along the suggested lines. A paradigm comprises four critical features, which include a body of theory inclusive of laws, background metaphysical assumptions, values and exemplars. The attainment of a paradigm converts pre-paradigm science into normal science. Normal science predominantly comprises puzzle solving whereby the main task details expanding knowledge of facts identified as significant by the paradigm. Investigators, in this case, do not advance bold, fresh theories but employ the accepted theoretical frameworks in fresh and novel sorts of cases. This phase also incorporates enhancing the similarity between the facts and the paradigm’s forecasts, as well as additional development and articulation of the paradigm (Kuhn, 1996). Scientists undertaking normal science do not necessarily work to counter or depose a paradigm, or even seek out to verify whether a paradigm is accurate. The scientists presume that the paradigm is factual, and continue based on that assumption. Working within a paradigm demands that the scientists embrace the core elements of the paradigm as a dogma. The scientist’s main task in this stage encompasses working out the particulars of the paradigm devoid of calling into question the fundamental

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